Chaz Casio: Unstuck In Time
Created by Steven George, Andy Fischer, Jeremy Gullikson, and Wade Ritter, “Chaz Casio” started out as a five-part web series idea. We wrote the first episode in the winter of 2015, shot it over the spring and summer of 2015, and then somehow took two and a half years to finish it.
This project is truly the biggest labor of love I've had to date. I directed, shot, and edited the entire film across three different time zones, ultimately finishing and premiering it in Minneapolis in the spring of 2018.
The story focuses on Chaz Casio, a struggling rock star of the 1980s who enlists the help of his best friend, Erik Derec Garrikson, and bandmate, Dr. Dilward Deaux, to try and radically change his life with the invention of a keyboard that can be heard all around the world. But, as he soon finds out, Chaz may have bitten off more than he can chew, and the consequences could tear the very fabric of life to shreds.
Official Selection for the Big Water Film Festival 2018
Featured on the MPLS Egotist