Steven George is a filmmaker currently working as a video editor at Channel Z in Minneapolis.
He's had the opportunity to shake his body for dollars or class credits at Fallon, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, Periscope, Fischer Edit, the University of Minnesota News Service, the Minnesota Film & Television Board, as a freelance editor in Los Angeles, and elsewhere.
In 2011, Steven graduated from the University of Minnesota with degrees in Advertising and Studies in Cinema & Media Culture.
In between classes and his demanding sandal making ventures, Steven's films won Judges Favorite (2011), Audience Favorite (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011), and Best Special FX (2011) at the University of Minnesota Film Festival. His film The Jogging won Audience Favorite at the inaugural University of Minnesota CSCLSA Film Festival in 2011. He's had his work featured on the Hollywood Reporter, Buzzfeed, Uproxx, Vulture, Consequence of Sound and more. Additionally, his work on a Minnesota Twins campaign in 2014 won him an Upper Midwest Regional Emmy.
Perhaps his deepest passion lies in consuming vast amounts of spicy food. That being said, while taking breaks from burning off his remaining taste buds, Steven drums for Minneapolis band The Symptones.